November 1, 2 and 3, 2024: Participation in the Arts and Fire Show (Martres-Tolosane)
- April 2024: exhibition at the House of Arts and Crafts in Pézenas
- April 2024: publication in the Petit Journal
- April 10, 2024: live interview with France Bleu Hérault ult/2024?pageCursor=MzI%3D
- September 2023: participation in the closing Pop-Up of the “Impulser” training in Paris organized by Matrice, Artisans d'Avenir and Studio La Racine.
“Zero Waste Company” Label
Atelier Céraphœne is committed to an eco-responsible approach through small daily actions such as:
- a supply of materials as close as possible to the workshop
- recycling of materials and objects
- the use of packaging favoring recycled materials